November 22, 2024
If you’re a creative high school, community or technical college, or university student in Alabama, Mississippi, or Georgia, you’re invited to participate in the MAGNET logo design contest. The goal of MAGNET is for this tri-state area to house a robust manufacturing, supplier, and consumer economy through use-inspired research, economic development, and workforce development. For more information, visit
What message should the logo convey? The logo should specify what components go into MAGNET, illustrating how the three states are working to expand the electric mobility industry in the Southeast. Additionally, the logo should convey that the challenges related to the electric vehicle ecosystem cannot be overcome without teamwork – when the three states combine their abilities, MAGNET’s goals can be accomplished.
How can I get involved? We want to see your creative abilities in action! Create a logo that represents MAGNET and submit by January 7, 2025, to Elizabeth Petitt at Please ensure that your submission is a full-page PDF document, at least 300 pixels per inch resolution, and works both in color and in black and white. Additionally, you may submit a 150-word narrative describing your logo and its components. All logo submissions will be judged based on:
- Relevance – How well does the logo represent MAGNET and its mission?
- Creativity – Is the design unique, innovative, and original?
- Visual Impact – Is the logo eye-catching and memorable?
What happens if I win? The student who creates the winning logo will be notified by January 10, 2025. The winner will receive a $100 gift card and congratulatory certificate, and their logo may be used as the official logo of MAGNET, with visibility on the MAGNET website, MAGNET-related promotional materials, and more!
MAGNET reserves the right to choose a winner, as well as to modify or not use the logo to meet the needs of the program.
Any questions? Please contact Elizabeth Petitt at for more details.
AMP Center, ATI News, Electric Vehicles, MAGNET, UA